With her TED talk video about presentation structure, Nancy Duarte really changes my mind about performing your ideas with an audience. In this TEDx talk, our CEO and presentation guru Nancy Duarte reveals what she’s learned over her years of studying the world’s most influential and persuasive speakers and explains how you can apply that to your own talks. If you have great ideas in your head, those ideas can change the world. But, if you can’t express yourself and convince people to believe in what you do, your dreams may never become fully realized. But using an adequately prepared presentation will simplify the influential audience process. Displays with a 3-act story structure place the audience at the center as the hero regularly changes minds, spread ideas, and even starts movements.
You should start with “What is” and make it unappealing to begin your presentation. Then compare it to "What it could be.” Moving back and forth between what is and what could be should be done several times. In the end, describe your world with the new norm.
TEDx Talks. (2010, December 10). TEDxEast - Nancy Duarte uncovers common structure of greatest communicators 11/11/2010. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nYFpuc2Umk&feature=youtu.be