I think it is a great idea to deliver professional development sessions for teachers with a flipped classroom style. The instructors’ lectures are delivered to participants online outside of the classroom in the flipped classroom. Students engage in discussion and hands-on activities inside the classroom, providing instructor-to-student and student-to-student interaction. In a flipped learning environment, you can increase student motivation, manage student behavior, and differentiate instruction in a brand new way.
One of the essential components of a successful flipped classroom session is digital content. Short video clips allow for more efficient processing and memory recall. The visual and auditory nature of videos appeals to a broad audience and allows each user to process information in a way that’s natural to them. In a nutshell, videos are good teachers. Educational institutions can gain significant autonomy by using videos to reach a broader audience than ever before. They can be used to keep potential, current, and former students involved and engaged. When using video clips in the professional development sessions, shorter clips help students learn the information without overloading or losing their focus. Showing video clips in short segments and keeping the total length contained to a short running time helps keep viewers engaged.
Another interesting idea that I can implement in my professional development session is the walk and talk approach. Walking next to a student keeps the instructor and the student in similar postures with no conscious effort on the instructor’s part, which contributes to the rapport-building process. Therefore, the instructor doesn't need to be aware of the body mirroring technique but reaps its benefits nonetheless. The walking classroom is perfect for instructors looking for a program for their professional development sessions that incorporates learning styles, physical exercise, multi-media presentation format (slides, video, quizzes, and audio), structure pacing guide, and support.
McCammon, L. (2015, April 15). Modeling-Based (Flipped) Professional Development at Rutgers University. YouTube. Retrieved April 28, 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBAmcveOnIM