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The Publication Outline addresses the necessary information to write and publish an article.

The Article Publication Rough Draft is the first draft of the Benefits of Implementing Blended Learning models in Special Education classrooms. In this step, I received detailed feedback from my professor, and  I made some needed changing for my Final Draft. 

This Media Pitch and the published article bring awareness to Special Education departments, school principals, and superintendents of the powerful impact blended learning will have on our students.

The Article Publication Final Draft is the completed draft of the benefits of Implementing Blended Learning models in Special Education classrooms article that will be submitted for publication under 

The Contribution to my learning and my learning community reflection addresses what is working and what I can do better, highlights my contributions to my learning and my learning community/collaboration group, and includes my peer review reflection of the publication article exercise.

Article Final Draft
Final Draft


This article aims to show the benefits and challenges of implementing the Blended Learning models in a Special Education setting. It can be helpful for educators looking for other options for running their classrooms or engaging learners differently than what they currently have been doing.


Benefits of implementing Blended learning models in Special Education classroom


Publication Status

  • Publication Rough Draft: ██████████ 100%

  • Final editing: ██████▁▁ 70%

  • Submission: ██▁▁▁▁▁▁ 20%. 

Connection to my innovation plan

My Innovation plan includes implementing Blended learning models in Special Education classrooms and allowing teachers to make a more individual approach for every student based on their special needs. A Blended learning environment will enhance students’ engagement levels using various digital tools.

With the heavy integration of technologies, we’ll be able to improve teaching, information retention, engagement, responsibility, and enjoyment.  Students never outgrow their learning styles, meaning blended learning is more important than ever, no matter what the industry is, from schools to corporations, from all walks of life.


Digital tools for Blended Learning 


Evans, M. (2012). A guide to personalized learning: Suggestions for the race to top-district competition. San Mateo, CA: Clayton Christensen Institute.


Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2014). Blended: Using disruptive innovation to improve schools.,31.


Horn, M. B., & Staker, H. (2011). The rise of K–12 blended learning. Mountain View, CA: Innosight Institute.


Herold, B. (2016). Technology in education: An overview: Education Week. Retrieved


Media Pitch

Media Pitch

Publication Rough Draft 

Rough draft

Publication Outline 

Pubication Outine

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